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Family (age 10 to 14 )

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App » Tours » Family (age 10 to 14 )

Cultural highlights paired with adventure and exercise

Infos about: Family (age 10 to 14 )

Cultural highlights and space for adventure paired with peace and relaxation - Saarbrücken offers something for everyone
Experience Saarbrücken's underground castle and fly through the forest high under the treetops on Germany's first curved cable car, the "Fly-Line".

A suitcase and a bag with a city map in the background
A smartphone with a map marker pointing to a map.

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A suitcase and a bag with a city map in the background

Contents of the tour: Family (age 10 to 14 )

Historisches Museum Saar

Das Museum zeigt die Geschichte des Saarlandes in einer span...
Historisches Museum Saar

Pizza Gotti

Neapolitanische Pizza

Abenteuerpark Saar

Fliegen Sie mit Deutschlands erster Kurvenseilbahn „Fly-Li...
Abenteuerpark Saar

Lilli’s Kuchenwerkstatt

Lilli's eigenwilliges Konditorei-Café im Vintage-Stil. Krea...


Topaktuelle Erstaufführungen in bestechender Qualität in d...



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