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Klarer Himmel

App » Waste disposal » Appointment

You can book appointments for advice on bulky waste or changes to the number of bins as well as personal advice on protection against heavy rain. These will take place in the administration building at Gaschhübel 1, Malstatt.

Verschiedene Mülltonnen nebeneinander. - Foto: ZKE

Verschiedene Mülltonnen nebeneinander. - Foto: ZKE

Verschiedene Mülltonnen nebeneinander. - Foto: ZKE

For telephone advice, ZKE staff are available on:

  • Mondays and Tuesdays from 7.30am-3pm
  • Wednesdays and Fridays from 7.30am-12pm
  • Thursdays from 7.30am-6pm

Please call the central number +49 681 905-2000.

If you need advice on your ZKE account or services such as changing the number of refuse bins, you need to make a personal appointment in the administration building at Gaschhübel 1 in Malstatt.

You can book an appointment via our booking system.

Important: After selecting the appointment, you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link. You need to confirm the appointment by clicking this link, otherwiswe it will be cancelled automatically.


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