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App » Tours » Active

Look forward to unlimited sporting activities and an enchanting natural backdrop - all this in the perfect city for active people.

Infos about: Active

Hear the green heart of the coal forest (Saarkohlewald) beating on a primeval forest hike, climb to your limits and round off the day with a tour to Saarbrücken's outdoor highlight, the Staden.

A suitcase and a bag with a city map in the background
A smartphone with a map marker pointing to a map.

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I'll get you on the move

You set the course. Save and customize your own tours in the Saarbrücken app.
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A suitcase and a bag with a city map in the background

Contents of the tour: Active

Saarbrücken primeval forest

Where the green heart of the Saarkohlenwald forest beats
Saarbrücken primeval forest


The Saarbrücker Staden – the green oasis on the Saar

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