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Saarlandmuseum – Museum in the castle church

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Castle church with artefacts, tombs and colourful windows by Georg Meistermann.

It is not only the church's high-ranking interior with its colourful Meistermann windows and the baroque princely tombs that are worth a visit. The numerous art treasures and cultural-historical artefacts from the 13th to 19th centuries are what make the museum so attractive.

The modern architectural design of the building also makes a visit to the museum a special experience. A newly built glass access wing on the south side of the choir provides disabled access to the church gallery and also connects the museum in the castle church with the Kreisständehaus (Saarland Museum – Old Collection and Museum of Prehistory and Early History)
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Saarlandmuseum - Museum in der Schlosskirche
Am Schlossberg 6, 66119 Saarbrücken

Opening hours

Tuesday, Thursday - Sunday
10 bis 18 Uhr
10 bis 20 Uhr

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