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Saarland House of Artists

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A house with history is home to the Saarland House of Artists

For decades, it was difficult for artists from Luxembourg, Lorraine and Rhineland-Palatinate to communicate with each other. There was no common meeting place for the artists of this region. In 1985, the Saarland state government of the time created a working and meeting place for artists from the fields of visual arts, literature and arts and crafts.

The Saarland House of Artists sees itself as a place where the members from the fields of fine and applied arts and literature develop the house's programme under their own direction and through their respective artistic perspectives.

Changing exhibitions make the venue special and each visit unique.
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Saarländisches Künstlerhaus e.V.
Karlstraße 1, 66111 Saarbrücken

Opening hours

Tuesday - Sunday
10 bis 18 Uhr

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